R cross wallpaper is a necessity that can occur in every house and in every family. It seems that this is not difficult, but first of all you need to remove old wallpapers. It may be that old glue was of good quality and wallpaper is simply impossible to remove from the wall. If an apartment or house with a repair of 20 years ago, then you must be prepared for the fact that the wallpaper can be pasted in several layers, and even with the newspaper. But, it also happens that the wallpaper is simply excellent, and the glue remains. It must be deleted because it can stains through new wallpapers. Then you have to remove it with the plaster, and then cross the entire wall.
So, there are several ways to remove old wallpapers: a wet method, using steam and using special liquids. For a wet method, you will need hot water, which needs to moisten old wallpapers and leave it for a few minutes. It should be remembered that it is not necessary to pour a lot of water so that the coating on the floor does not suffer, and the water should not be absorbed into the wall, so that later before gluing new wallpapers, do not wait until the water dries up. You need to remove with a spatula, sticking it under the paper, lifting the edge and removing it from the wall.
Hot steam facilitates the process of removing the wallpaper, but for this it is necessary to use the steam generator. They must also be removed with a spatula. Another method is the use of special fluids that will help to dissolve glue, and the paper can easily be removed from the surface. This method is great for such glue that does not dissolve in water. The liquid easily penetrates through the paper and this greatly facilitates the process of removing old wallpapers. With caution, it is necessary to carry out the process of removing near the sockets and switches so that water does not get into these places, and there is no short circuit.