In order for the interview to be productive, you need to arrange a person to communicate, show restraint, flexibility, tact, try to be an open person. Otherwise the result cannot be achieved. The contact, sociability of the leader is characterized by an attentive attitude to the interlocutor, the ability to follow every gesture, word, facial expressions, and the ability to anticipate the course of the development of human thoughts and feelings. The ease of behavior of the leader will calm the employee, he will cease to be nervous and be shy.
In order to easily switch from one topic of conversation to another, the leader must have a worked “Arsenal of Communication Stamps”. This will allow him to ease to another topic.
There is another technique that facilitates the contact, for example, when the leader puts forward the opposite, just expressed by the employee or to himself. This will show a completely different point of view that will require either refutation or consent. This technique will allow you to move a question from a dead point, which caused difficulty in the interlocutor.
Another important quality that the leader should possess is evaluative (emotional) restraint and tolerance (the ability to understand, calm and listen). It is necessary to avoid subjective deviations in their own assessments and behavior. Show tolerance for possible neurotic reactions by the interlocutor (a person counts on understanding and can allow some incontinence).
A good leader should be ready for any behavior of the interlocutor, to be extremely restrained in his reactions to the possible “breakdowns” of a person. It is easier to maintain the stability of their behavior and give the correct assessment of the personality of the employee. In addition, the leader should also be able to calm a person in such a difficult situation.
The experience of communication between the head, personnel officer is developed only during numerous and various contacts with people of different spheres of professional activity (for example, communication with workers or engineers helps to increase the stock of practical life, then the meeting with writers and writers will expand its horizons).
Communication with various people increases not only knowledge, but also the skills of communication, which is no less important. The range of sociability significantly expands the knowledge of the best samples of cultural heritage, reading printed publications, this allows you to quickly find a common topic for a conversation.
The leader must have professional tact. That is, he cannot affect the personal aspects of the life of the interlocutor if he himself does not want. It is necessary to convince the employee (obviously or secretly) about observing the secrets of the conversation and psychodiagnostics itself.
The leader should be able to analyze professional and personal qualities together with the interlocutor (on the principle of “partnership relations”). It depends on the ability to compare himself with who the leader communicates with, the ability to understand him.
A prerequisite for the effective work of the leader is the presence of knowledge in the field of possible options for conflict situations, the rules of conduct in it. Studies have shown that the ability to resolve the conflict is no less important quality of the leader, along with the ability to cooperate, get along and make friends. The hardest thing to get out of a tense situation is a shy leader, since it is very difficult for him to say “no”. As a rule, such leaders try to leave her (at the same time, maintaining a negative attitude towards a partner) or confrontation begins (intellectual and emotional). This is very complicated by the relationship, the conversation comes to a dead end and the situation becomes “explosive”.
Thus, the leader should have a number of business qualities that are aimed at the ability to talk with people, while achieving the result that this leader needs. Agree, it’s not easy.