Many women do not want to refute the statement that “all women are bitch”. On the contrary, they read books such as “School of the Bitch” and want to be like an arrogant lady who does not care what others say about it, because for the bitch the center of the universe – she herself.
However, those who say “I want to become a bitch” often replace this concept with completely different. For example, “I want to be confident”, “I want to be beautiful”, “I want to be honest”, etc.D. The bitch most often does what she wants, without thinking about the opinion of others. Or, conversely, confident, stylish, beautiful women who know how to tell the truth in the eye, are very often called “bitch”. Also, this nickname loves to great those women who simply have self-esteem.
It doesn’t matter for what reasons you decided to become the one called the bitch, we offer you our little instructions how to do it.
Psychological mood
You need to understand that your time, strength, opportunities must be spent first of all to realize your interests. A work colleague asked to help her out of school time? You need to be able to say a solid “no”. Otherwise, those who wish to blame you their work will sit on your neck and hang their legs. It is impossible to do work for all. You need to be able to say no and in others the situation, achieving what you want to get. For any person, their interests are usually in the first place. This is a reasonable egoism that is laid down in us by nature. However, many reproaches this, they say, a self -player, thinks only of himself. Bitchs do not pay attention to public opinion. There is only their own opinion for them, but the rest does not matter. Do not fall into the trap of public opinion. It is necessary to spend your time on the implementation of other people’s ideas by residual principle, because this resource is not limitless. They are born with bitch or they become? Merified question. However, there is an opinion that any woman can become a bitch, you only need to make certain efforts for this.
Oddly enough, the bitch outwardly do not look too bright or defiant. As for the appearance, the bitch is always well -groomed, she loves to take care of herself and knows how to do it, while remaining natural. In her wardrobe – always tastefully selected clothes and accessories that complement and complete the image of a confident lady. If it is difficult to imagine the image of a bitchy lady, look at famous TV presenters, actresses, photo models. See films in which there is a bitch that, incidentally, usually plays a negative role. This will present a certain collective image of a bitch, which in the future can be realized.
A bitch can behave as if a luxurious limousine awaits her outside the door. A bitch can take an expensive gift from a rich fan and a bouquet of wildflowers from a poor student with the same advantage.
Bitchy behavior should be natural, and not played. Bitch you need to be by nature. Any external techniques will not be able to replace the inner power, which is impossible to immediately see. But when communicating, it is fully manifested.
A bitch is not an image that a woman plays in life, as an actress her role in the theater. A bitch is a way of life. Therefore, it will not work to become quickly. It takes time to change yourself, change internally. Acquire new character traits, learn to communicate differently with others.
No bitch should not envy. These are strong women, but often they only remain. They are ready to sacrifice friends, family life, even communicating with relatives for personal success.