Head – decoration of any site. But in order for it to look appropriate and beautiful, it grew well and coincides with your requirements of plants for her, you need to choose the right.
For living hedges, plants are usually selected, unpretentious to growing conditions. After all, these plants are in conditions of reduced access to light, moisture and nutrition elements compared to their brothers growing at large. Therefore, you should not take plants for hedges that are poorly wintering in your region or requiring special care.
Plants for hedges should not be propagated by root layering. For example, a silver sucker is a beautiful plant, but without limiting growth, it has the ability to fill all the allotted space and not get a beautiful even hedge from it.
Even before laying the hedge, you should determine what it will be, free -growing or formed. If you want to achieve a clear shape, strictly defined height and width, and are ready to regularly devote time to cutting and feeding plants – you need a formed hedge.
How to choose plants for hedges
If you want your hedge to please you with flowering, require less care, have a natural form – your choice is a free -growing hedge.
How to choose plants for hedges
For the formed hedge, various conifers are suitable – types of fir trees, thuja, junipers. Of the deciduous, boxwood is ideal, provided that it winter in your region. In addition, Barberis Tunberg is suitable (other types of barbaris are worse tolerate a haircut), a shiny tank, hawthorn, some types of spirea, wood, linden, bubble, a Hungarian lilac, Biryuchin, Iva purple
For a free -growing hedge, almost any shrubs are suitable, which feels good in your climate. In addition to the above cultures, attention should be paid to the types of rosehips, magia, an elderberry, action, forzion, cinquefoil, birch bark, lilac.
The choice of plants for hedges largely depends on what height it should be.
Borders up to 0.5 m high: cinquefoil, spirea, Barberry Tunberg, dwarf thuja, wrinkle rose, boxwood
How to choose plants for hedges
Hedges up to 1 m: Barberry Tunberg, tall lactis and spirea, golden currants, mock -up, snow -haired, shiny tank, action, types of thuja and juniper, Magonia, Purple Iva.
Hedges 1 – 2 m: barberry (except for tunberg), wood, honeysuckle Tatar, shiny tank, bubble, gray spirea, elderberry, viburnum, rosehip, forsythia, lilac, hydrangea tree, karagan, hawthorn spruce, thuja, thuja.
Hedges above 2 m can be made from linden, hawthorn, larch, spruce, tall thuja, thorns, maple of Tatar.
How to choose plants for hedges
A hedge can be created not only green. The foliage of shades of yellow, red, colorful white -green or yellow -green is found in some plants suitable for hedges. But be careful! If you want to make a hedge of alternating plants of the same species, but with a different shade of foliage, you must understand that green -faceted plants have higher growth energy and will suppress their variegated comrades.
The yellow hedge can be made from Barberry Tunberg Buzina with a brush “Plumosa aurea”, an elderberry of black “aurea”, a bubble of a viburnum “lutea”, thuja (any variety with yellow needles)
How to choose plants for hedges
The hedge of the red or burgundy shade can be made of Barberis Tunberg “Atropurpurea”, the ordinary “Atropurpurea”, Barberis Ottavsky, Black Black Beauty and Black Lace Blagid “Naomi Campbell”, viburnum of potassium -potassium “Diabolo”
A variegated hedge can be made from an elderberry “albovariegata”, a white “gour” gouchaultii “and” argenteomarginata “
Remember that whatever plants you choose for your hedge, they must be fed with complete mineral fertilizer, loosen, water and carry out trimming in time. Guided by these recommendations and your own taste, you will definitely be able to choose the perfect plants for your hedge.