In the near future, all economic courts may completely disappear in Ukraine. The complete elimination of such courts should help reduce the corruption indicator. Judicial reform involves the elimination of hosts.
In the country, the reform of the judicial system may begin in the country. One of the senior sources of the presidential administration announced that in the context of this reform it is planned to fully eliminate all economic courts in force in the country.
This project was developed for a long time. Soon it is planned to make a final decision regarding the transfer of certain functions previously assigned to economic courts, the judicial authorities of general jurisdiction. A few days ago, similar reform was officially launched in Russia. Ukraine is now observing its implementation in a neighboring country.
The actual disappearance of economic instances should greatly contribute to a decrease in the corruption level.
For no one in our country, the fact that over the past time, it was household judges that have turned into a real epicenter of corruption scandals that abandon the entire Ukrainian judicial system, which after reforming at a higher level. A more significant number of acquittal decisions have already been recorded, mainly aimed at restoring civil rights. Here are only economic courts continue to prevent our citizens to evaluate all the positive aspects of the reform carried out. As a result, all such ship authorities should be eliminated.