Family statistical scientists from time to time conduct calculations about how much time the average person spends in various life situations. As a rule, even from the school bench, we already know that the third part of life is allocated in a person’s life. True, this can be easily calculated without scientists, if you know that for normal sleep you need 8 hours a day. If desired, you can find a lot of interesting things about how people manage their time.
And, as it turned out, according to such research, most people spend in the bathroom, or, in other words, in the bathroom, approximately 7% of the time of their life. And many prefer to spend this time in a beautiful and pleasant environment. And you can equip this room beautifully and inexpensively with the help of the online plumbing store and tile Sanda. It is in this store that all the necessary items are on sale for arranging a comfortable bathroom and toilet.
Our distant ancestors still knew about the need for a convenient bathroom. Archaeological excavations proved that the age of the most ancient toilets is 10 thousand years. In the ancient world, toilets were familiar in most houses. And the first public toilets appeared in ancient Rome. I must say that a lot of attention was paid to the issues of sanitation in the ancient world, since they understood that health directly depends on this, and often human life. True, bathrooms were available only in very wealthy citizens. The rest used public bath services.
The refusal even from elementary washing of the hands led to Europe of the Middle Ages to numerous epidemics. And only in the second half of the 18th century there are toilets, and a little later it comes to the creation of home bathrooms, with a drain into the sewer. Now our contemporaries fully use these benefits of civilization. Moreover, rural residents are trying to create bathrooms in their homes, since most villages there are water supply. And modern industry does everything possible to satisfy the growing requests of the population in the equipment of the bathrooms.